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Zurich Python User Group: Python and MongoDB

Datum/Zeit: 19. Februar 2015 19:00 - 21:00 gCal

Ort: Rackspace, Pfingstweidstrasse 60, 8005 Zürich

Norberto Leite is a Technical Evangelist at MongoDB Inc. He will be giving a talk about using MongoDB with Python:


MongoDB is one of the most popular databases these days and there are a few reasons for such popularity. One of these reasons is the excellent integration with different programming languages and development frameworks.


In the case of Python we take it a few notches up (native use of dictionaries, integration with asynchronous libraries (twisted, gevent), good support for web frameworks like django, flask, bottle ... (mongoengine anyone?).


This talk is about the several different projects that we support, the way to effectively use Python and MongoDB together and a few other improvements and announcements.

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