Here you find the most frequently asked questions regarding If you do not find the answer to your question here, go ahead and ask us via the contact form.
Why are there only so few jobs posted on only just went online. With a growing number of users on the number of jobs will grow bigger as well. Go ahead and invite your best IT peers, then this will go a lot faster.
What does it cost to use is free (as in free beer) to use for everybody.
So Working Web GmbH is not directly making any money with the plattform. But if you desire to make use of some of the extra services, that Working Web GmbH offers (and we hope that you do), we will charge a little bit for those services, but most probably that will still be significantly less than what you would pay for the same service provided by a classic bodyleasing company or agency.
I recieved an invitation to Why should I register now, why not later?
- When you register now, you can start inviting friends and colleagues to and help getting things started faster for everybody.
- You will get a 10% share of every cent that earns with people that were invited by you. So better start inviting before all your peers are registered already.
- By spreading the word (and inviting your friends) you might do one of your friends a huge favor by helping him to find a new contract.
- And of course because we only works if enough users are registered. So by accepting your invitation a.s.a.p. you do us a huge favor.
What are the advantages of for me as poster of a job?
You can post the information about the need of IT-Contractor in your professional surrounding anonymously on and if you find someone who will start as contractor in your or your customers project, you can earn a nice reward.
What are the advantages of for me as contrator looking for a project?
On you get the chance to get in contact directly with a customer, without any intermediate company charging 10-25% of your turnover on the contract with your customer.
What are the advantages of for me as project owner or project manager?
As IT-Experts are talking to IT-Experts directly on, the chances of (bad) surprises are a lot smaller, as the future contractor gets to know exactly what awaits him in the project and what is expected from hin. And because of that you have to review fewer CVs that don't match your requirements.
Who does a referral via work?
An insider (an employee or contractor in the project) creates a job description on Interested candidates directly contact the insider. The insider evaluates the candidates and selects the one that he thinks will be the best match for the project and project team (both technically and as a personality). The insider then introduces the candidate to his boss/project manager/HR-guy at the customer company and recommends him, he should take a look at the proposed candidate. If a contract is signed between the company and the candidate (maybe with an intermediate company in between), then the insider gets his reward.
About anonymity or "Who will be able to see that I registered on"
On all users can keep their identity secret as long as they like. That is why
- only so few details of you are required for your registration,
- there is no possibility to search for Freelancers on,
- no one will know who posted a certain job and
- all communication between users is anonymous as long as they like it to be.
There is now way to find out on if you registered or not. Only the person who invited you and the people you invited to (and our Admins) know that you registered. Of course if you decide to apply for a job or post a job, sooner or later you will want to tell the other person who you are... else it's kind of hard to make a personal introduction. ;-)
About trust and reputation or "Why should lead to good/better matches?"
If you posted a job on, a matching freelancer contacted you and you decide to introduce him to your boss, project owner or project manager, all of them trust in you. They trust that you will not just introduce a random guy, but a person that you truly think would be a really good match for the project. And you don't want to dissapoint your boss/project manager/project owner, do you?!
Finding the right freelancer does take some or your preciouse time, but hey, there's 4000+ CHF waiting for you! How many hours do you usually work to earn 4'000 to 10'000CHF?
On the other hand, if you are the freelancer that would like to get that job, then the person that posted that job and decided that you are a really good match, will trust in you keeping your promises and actually being able to perform the tasks you said you could and pay the referral fee. And because you are a good person and the two of you will be working together (or at least close to each other) for a while, we assume you'll do as you promised.
So in both cases we like to think that you don't want to abuse this trust, as an abuse will fall back on your reputation.
How will contract between the recommended IT-Freelancer or -Contractor and the company with the project look like?
There are three options with respective risks for the insider:
As Sub-contractor of insider or the insiders company:
In this case the insider already has a contract with the project company and will bill the work done by the freelancer under this existing contract. The insider or his company does the billing, accounting, reimbursement of the sub-contractor and keeps the reward for the insider. In this case the insider also takes some of the risks, e.g. for the case that the freelancer doesn't satisfy the customer or abuses his priviledges.
As Contractor of the project company:
The IT-Freelancer and the end customer negotiate their own contract, the IT-Freelancer invoices the customer and pays the reward to the insider. The risk exists that the insider and the IT-Freelancer do not agree how much the reward should be (3% of which amount?).
As Sub-Contractor of the Working Web GmbH:
The Working Web GmbH negotiates a contract with the end customer and enters a contract with the IT-Freelancer as sub-contractor or as employee for the time of the project. The Insider doesn't take any risks and reliably gets his reward from the Working Web GmbH for all the work that is being invoiced to the end customer.
How does it work with the reward?
The reward for a successful referral is 3% of the turnover on the contract between the Freelancer and the end customer (or at least a one-time-payment of 4000.-CHF). The reward is to be payed by the Freelancer every three months, directly to the insider.
Does the Working Web GmbH do the billing for the Freelancer, then the reward will also be payed direclty by the Working Web GmbH to the insider.
What should (not) be written in a job-post
We all know job ads with beautified sales phrases and grand promisses from many other job portals on the internet. On it's about honest facts and not about vague promises. For privacy reasons it should not be possible to guess the real company at which there is the described vacancy, but it should be possible to guess the industry and also the region in Switzerland.
If the project works with the very attractive technology X, but everydays work will never have anything to do with that technology, then you should not suggest that the freelancer will be working with it. This will only cause you extra work and a disappointment for both of you.
What are the advantages of having the Working Web GmbH doing the billing for a contract?
Besides the platform, the Azine IT Services also offers to do some of the administrative work and offer some benefits for the referred freelancer at very good conditions.
The Working Web GmbH...
- is in possession of a body leasing permit, which is being required by many customers.
- carries out the duly billing of the customer.
- executes reliably the bank transfer of the reward to the referring user.
- if desired, provides advance payment of the billed amount.
- if desired, provides support in the negotiation between freelancer and customer.
- advocates transparency, so the freelancer and referrer know how much money goes to whom and for what.
Why is communication annonymous?
To protect all participating parties. Not everyone wants that everybody knows that they are looking for a new project or that someone extra is needed in a project.
Is my data secure at
All communication between browser and is SSL-encrypted and therefore cannot be eavesdropped.
In the database we store your password strongly encrypted and salted, so that according to todays security standards they are stored VERY secure. Email addresses and other information is being stored in plain text.
It is impossible to guarantee "absolute security". Therefore we store as little as possible of your data, because what is not stored, cannot be stolen or abused.
Why should I add my public Xing- /LinkedIn-profile url in the
To make it possible for the publisher of a job to find out if you might be the best match for his job, before he decides to meet you or to introduce you to his supperior, it is very helpful if he knows you professional online-profile.
And of course so you don't need to fill in yet another online prfile, as you most probably allready have a Xing- or LinkedIn-profile that is up-to-date.
Who is the main target audience for targets three groups of people:
- "External IT-Experts" (freelancers or employees of small service providers) which work in a customers team in the customers offices on a dayli basis.
- IT-Experts (employees or external experts) working in project teams where lots of "External IT-Experts" are working in the team.
- Project owners and project managers working in the same projects or people from the procurement or HR department hiring the external IT-Experts.
How can I send a message to XY?
At it's all about jobs, so every conversation among users is related to a job. On the details page of the job you find the option to send a message to the publisher, who can then reply to that message etc.
If there is anything else (not relalted to a job) to discuss, then you'll have to use other communication channels (Email, SMS, IN- or Xing-Message etc.).
How can I delete my account?
If you want to delete your account, send us a message via our contact form (while being logged in) and we will delete your account.
The deletion has the following consequences:
- We will be sad about you leaving us.
- Your profile will be deleted.
- Any job you posted will be made inaccessible to other users.
- All messages you sent will stay in the recipients mail-boxes unless they deleted those messages as well.
- All your invitations, that have not yet been accepted, will expire after 30 days.
- To re-register you need to be invited again.
- Any entitlement to a reward for invitations (see "Why register now", 2nd bullet) will expire with the deletion of the associated sender account immediately.
Also refer to our Terms and Conditions.