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Zurich Developers .NET User Group: Rearchitect your code towards async/await

Datum/Zeit: 2. Februar 2017 18:30 - 20:30 gCal

Ort: Stamford Consultants, Limmatquai 2, Zürich

The die is cast. Your business- and infrastructure logic will need to move gradually to asynchronous code. Changing large code-bases to async/await seems like a monumental effort. It doesn't have to be! In this talk, I show you a four-phased approach to evolving your code-base towards async/wait. In the identification phase, we classify the components which would benefit from async/await. In the exploration phase, we discover potential road blockers which might hinder the async/await adoption.
In the obstacle phase, we learn to redesign parts of the code to remove the previously identified road blockers. In the bring-it-together phase, we gradually move the components which benefit the most from async/await to a full asynchronous API. Small steps. No Big Bang. Join me on a journey towards async/await and learn to leverage the power of asynchronous code to embrace the cloud-first APIs of today and tomorrow.

Daniel Marbach is an async aficionado, an enthusiastic solution architect, engineer, open source developer, enterpreneur, regular speaker and avid blog writer. Find him on twitter under @danielmarbach or subscribe to his blog under

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