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HaskellerZ: An introduction to real-world Haskell programming

Datum/Zeit: 26. Februar 2015 19:00 - 19:30 gCal

Ort: ETH Zurich / Zentrum / CAB H 52, Universitätstrasse 6, 8006 Zurich

Haskell functions do look elegant when applied to lists, trees and other pure types, but can one retain this elegance when writing an actual real-world Haskell program? In this talk, I'll address this question from a beginners perspective. I'll give a hands-on introduction on how to setup and write a little real-world Haskell tool, namely a simple clone of the Unix `wc` utility. In particular, I'll focus on explaining the setup of a .cabal project and the structure of the IO layer of a real-world Haskell program. I'll close with a collection of pointers on how to become more proficient at writing Haskell programs.

The talk is aimed at beginning and intermediate Haskellers. To profit most, one should have a basic grasp of Haskell syntax and types. This corresponds about to what one can learn from the first six chapters of


(As last time, please make sure that you enter the CAB building before 19:00, as the doors are locked afterwards.)

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